Therapy Warsaw.

The most common form of psychotherapy/counseling is individual sessions. They usually take place once a week, sometimes more often, sometimes less, depending on the given situation. The center offers short and long-term therapy. Short-term therapy consists of a few sessions and focuses on a given problem or area of life, while long-term therapy lasts at least a couple of months and is aimed at gaining understanding and exploring many aspects of oneself.

Our therapists work within the Process Work paradigm, the main principle of which is trusting, unfolding and following the client’s individual experience (there are no other preconceived goals). Therefore the therapist’s task is not to define how somebody should change, but to help them discover their own paths and decisions.

In terms of looking for solutions, Process Work provides an exceptional perspective, as well as highly effective tools, for using to one’s benefit the information embedded in the difficulties and conflicts of any given situation.

Continue here reading about the method.

All the information that clients share during their therapy, as well as the fact that someone is attending the sessions, are both confidential.

People of all ages, nationalities, religions, sexual orientations and physical ability are welcome.

Areas of work

  • dealing with difficult and persistent emotions or moods (anxiety, anger, sadness, resignation etc.),
  • personal growth,
  • searching for ways of coping with somatic symptoms and discovering their psychological meaning (especially in chronic illnesses),
  • recurring difficulties in relating to other people, loneliness, insecurity, communication problems,
  • relationship or family conflicts,
  • dreamwork,
  • harsh criticism (of oneself or others), low self-esteem,
  • sexual problems,
  • eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, compulsive eating/binge eating disorder),
  • mourning and loss,
  • addictions and tendencies towards substance abuse or ritualised behaviour,
  • coping with stress and insomnia,
  • abuses and traumas,
  • mental illnesses and personality disorders, altered states of consciousness,
  • difficult experiences from childhood, adult children of dysfunctional families (e.g. of alcoholics),
  • search for meaning,
  • areas of creativity and inventiveness,
  • looking for new solutions in one’s professional life, using one’s potential and resources with awareness, issues of status, power and leadership,
  • personal experiences connected to social conflicts and problems, issues linked to minorities’ (sexual, ethnic, cultural) relations with majorities, culture shock and reversed culture shock
  • difficulties with adjusting to new situations and surroundings or new roles in life (e.g. adolescence, starting a career, moving, becoming a parent, midlife crisis, growing old etc.),
  • and many others.